
Welcome to my view of life on San Antonio Bay! I look forward to your comments.

Flags on the Bay

Flags on the Bay
Finish line of The Texas Water Safari, Seadrift, Texas, on San Antonio Bay

Thanks for Visiting!

Thanks for Visiting!
Welcome sign as you come or leave Seadrift. Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Library Budget Cuts

I'm mad as h#*l -- and you know me, I'm not going to just sit back and be quiet. Got word yesterday that the County is cutting the budget for the county libraries by 10%. Do you have an opinion on that? Would you let the powers that be know how you feel? Without firing someone, we will probably have to reduce open hours, trim budget for books/DVDs, provide even less services than we do now. All four libraries in the county: main library and 3 branches.
OK, so the county is tight for money. I want to know what research has gone into the decision as to where to cut. I want to know what other services have been cut and how much.

Please let me know how you feel, what ideas you might have to help with this challenge, and DO let EVERYONE know your opinions!

We need MORE open hours and activities for our children, NOT LESS. The bad guys are out there, ready and anxious to provide them with nurture of a sort, inspire them to illegal activities, and give them a home that's called a gang. Then there is the larger facility under renovation up the street. We're going to move into a larger library, and there will be NO additional staff hired? Sounds like all of us are going to be asked to work harder and do more, for less money.

We have excellent Boy Scout troop, church programs, and the new D.I.V.A.Girls. But it is ALL necessary. Reducing what we have in place at the library NOW is wrong, wrong, wrong.

And I DO NOT want to hear, once again, that the librarian needs to shut up.
CJ (Carol J. Garriott)


  1. Libraries are, unfortunately, an easy target across the country. City Commissioners often just don't get it. They don't use the library and don't understand that people do. They really have no idea what a library can offer. In our town a commissioner thought a public library wasn't even necessary since each of the schools have a library and the community college has a library. So, no, CJ, don't shut up! And all those quiet, well-behaved library patrons in your community need to push back against these cuts....because you can bet there will be more if you quietly accept this first cut.

  2. ....another common misconception among the powers-that-be is that books are on their way out, so any kind of book budget is ridiculous. Many people believe that since we have computers and the internet, books aren't necessary.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It has been brought to my attention that the 10% budget cuts applied to ALL county departments, not just the library, that there is a major shortfall.


December Harbor

December Harbor
Unusually calm, cold, day on the Texas Coast, Seadrift, Texas