I have to smack myself to keep from continuously editing what I’ve written, even after posting it somewhere or printing it in “Livin’ on the Bay.” Even e-mails! I can always see something that could be phrased better. Curse of the typesetter/writer/proofreader.
After reading and hearing the comments (thanks, everybody!) on “On Life and Love,” I remembered something I wish I’d included in it. A quote from a book by one of my favorite authors, Robert B. Parker (thanks for the adventures, Robert, may you rest in peace). Page 130 of “Early Autumn” has a dialogue between our hero and a young friend. It goes like this:
Our hero: “. . . I work too hard to thwart people’s expectations.”
Young friend: “I don’t get it,” Paul said.
Our hero: “The point is not to get hung up on being what you’re supposed to be. If you can, it’s good to do what pleases you.”
Now I tell you, does that sound like something I would write? Truer words were never spoken. I spent entirely too many years in my youth, trying to be what I thought I was supposed to be. I’ve come to the conviction that, to have something truly worthwhile to offer those you love, you have to take care of yourself, be yourself, totally apart from what others would expect of you. You can be, and have to be, unique!
Some would call this being selfish, I suppose. I liken it a bit to what the flight attendant tells you when an airliner is taking off. RE: in case an emergency requires usage of oxygen masks, everyone with children must put their own masks on first, then assist your toddler. You have to take care of yourself first, because if you pass out, you will be no help to your little nipper.
One more thought before I head out into my day. When I’m on the road by myself, my mind runs to the oddest things. Coming out of P.L. again (I appear to do a lot of that!), I glanced over at this old house that was in the process of being torn down. It seemed to be taking them an inordinate amount of time to do so. My fanciful mind brought up the thought that it was like they only went over there when they needed a board for something, and would just rip one off.
Now to launch into a Tuesday. I’ll swing by the Bayfront, to see how many boats in The Texas Water Safari have made it in, then head to the library. Have a great day, everyone.
Nice! Wow are they still coming in for the Texas Water Safari?