You've probably read all those forwards and columns, and tales from the media folks, about how to fold up fitted sheets. I've assembled tips from all that, and have pretty much mastered the art. It requires a cleared bed, where one spreads out the sheet, folds up the ends, then the sides, tucking the corners as needed, then left, right, left right, fold it up into a shape more or less fitting on a shelf. Actually, what I do is have only one sheet set, and put the fitted one back on the bed after laundry.
I've got a new one for you. At least it's new to me, I've not seen anyone wax eloquent on the subject. You know those snuggies they've touted the last couple of years in infomercials out the wazoo? They keep you warm on cold winter nights when you're settled down for the evening with book or TV. They do the trick very well, unless you're prone to leaping up to stir supper, or move laundry from the machine to the dry. In that case, one is most likely to be able to spout the famous phrase, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
It's summer now. No need to bundle up in anything, much less a blanket with sleeves. I know, it's August, and you'd think I'd not just now be tidying up unused stuff from Valentine's Day. So I'm a procrastinator. At least I've launched into my spring cleaning before time to call it fall cleaning. Here's the rub. Worked my way down in a pile of tossed aside items and found that aforementioned fleece warmer-upper. OK. It goes in the drawer with sweat pants and sweatshirts. Wait, it has to be folded up, to take up as little space as possible.
Have you ever tried to fold up one of those suckers? Forget about how tricky it was to actually get it on and around you when you wanted to use it last winter. I tried spreading it out on the bed and rolling it up like a burrito. Lumpy. Bulky. I tried putting the sleeves together, smoothing it out elsewhere, folding in here and there. Unwieldy. Then I started at the collar area, folding in from side to side, as I went down. Still looked like a cross between a grizzly bear in hibernation and a 3-man tent after a windstorm.
The solution? I moved the sweat pants and sweatshirts out of their drawer and stacked them on a closet shelf. Shoved the wadded up Snuggie down in the drawer and slammed it shut.
Sometimes ya just gotta go with expediency.
I could just picture you wrestling with the bulky snuggie.